Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Story of Stuff

Today I want to recommend a short film called The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard. It is about 20 minutes long and free to watch. I thought it was very enjoyable, enlightening, and infuriating! It's infuriating to know that our consumer society will act like mindless sheep and constantly buy and dispose of all the stuff that is pushed on them. More infuriating is the thought of the corporations that are orchestrating this global disaster, simply for their own gain.

One of my favorite parts is when Annie talks about products that are "designed for the dump". A common phrase to hear when something wears out or breaks down is "They don't make 'em like they used to." And why? Shouldn't society be getting better, not worse, at making quality stuff that will last? Well, we're not. And it's not just because we are taking shortcuts and using cheaper materials to make things. It's because things are specifically designed to break (or go out of fashion) so that you will go out and buy another one. That's the way that companies make more money. Take sewing machines, for example. If you can find an old quality-made all-metal sewing machine, you can bet that it will still work. If it's broken, you would repair it. Old sewing machines are worth their weight in gold because they can last forever with proper care. In other words, the sewing machine manufacturers would not be making any money from you if you sew with a machine that you inherited from your great-grandma. Most of the machines you find on the market today are made with plastic and are meant to break down after five years of moderate use. So then you buy a new one and it's "cha-ching!", another sale for Singer!

Shortly after watching this film, one of my friends told me that whenever her kids leave their board games, card games, or puzzles on the floor, she'll just throw them away because she can't stand the clutter. Then she buys them new ones every Christmas. Not a big deal, she said, they're so cheap anyway. I didn't say anything at the time, but I wanted to scream, "No! That's just what they want you to do. You are one of the victims!"

Watch the movie, it will change the way you look at everything you purchase.

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